a little bit about what we do...
We’re here to REVOLUTIONIZE the way law is practiced by making it more fun and less fear-driven. We aim to help trial attorneys BREAK FREE from the habit of measuring their worth by the size of their verdicts.
Through our comprehensive skills training, transformative mindset coaching, and strong community support, we EMPOWER plaintiff attorneys to THRIVE both personally and professionally.
Our end goal is to provide you with TRANSFORMATIVE trial skills training for plaintiff attorneys served with a side of badass.
We know everyone learns differently, so whether you're into self-study masterclass courses,
practicing trial skills with our certified coaches, or seeking personalized guidance
through 1:1 trial consulting, we have you covered.
Learn fundamentals of the H2H Method™ for voir dire, opening statement, and closing via a self-study masterclass.

Practice your trial skills and master the transformative H2H Method™ with Sari and her faculty of certified coaches.
Get 1:1 guidance from a certified H2H trial consultant to help you prepare voir dire questions or craft opening statement.

What the Hell Is H2H?

All of our coursework, coaching, and consulting is based on Sari’s signature Hostage to Hero (H2H) Method - an ethical and empowering way for trial attorneys to replace fear and stress with FUN (yes, really). It will fundamentally change the way you practice law in the courtroom so that you’ll never worry about winning again.

Free Training
Let the Jury Solve Your Problems in 3 Easy Steps
Join me for a free training to understand what the jury is thinking so you have the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom.
Use the H2H Funnel Method so that jurors tell YOU the principles of the case instead of you telling THEM.

"Sari has opened my eyes to a better way to connect with the jury. Working with her helped me improve my mindset, inner self-worth, and inner self-confidence. I believe H2H will change your practice, your outlook on life and cases. You'll feel more free. You'll feel more confident."
Jay Vaughn
Plaintiff Trial Attorney