Warning: this podcast episode has provocative language and references. Put headphones on around kids or your boss!
Today we’re talking about the size of your dick.
Your VERDICT. Sheesh. Get your minds out of the gutter!
Y’all have a lot of SHAME around your (ver) dick size.
So let’s put this fear to bed, shall we?
(You’re gonna want to give this one a listen, I swear.)
❤️ Love, Sari
"Size isn’t everything. Start focusing on how to be a good lover [of the jury] and not on the size of your (ver)-dick."
Sari de la motte
Sari de la Motte:
H2H Fundamentals is officially open for enrollment, but only until October 5th with a bunch of bonuses, including working directly with me for four weeks. Yes, four weeks. In this masterclass, I'm going to teach you my proven H2H method for voir dire opening and closing step-by-step. And guess what? Like the name says, it makes your job, the trial process, and your life fun. I swear it.
When you're up against a hostile room of people who don't want to be there, you need real strategies that get results. Welcome to From Hostage to Hero, the show that gives you practical advice you can use right now in the courtroom, boardroom, or classroom. Learn how to move your unwilling audience to one that is invested in what you're saying, eager to participate, and engaged in the process. Learn from the attorney whisperer herself, your host, Sari de la Motte.
Sari de la Motte:
Welcome, everyone. Today we're talking about dicks. Verdicts, I mean. And it's going to be a short one. I couldn't figure out how to make it longer. But Kevin said, as we were getting this one ready, it doesn't have to be a certain length. And he's right. I mean, that's what this podcast is all about. A great number of you are really concerned about size of your verdict. There's a ton of shame around this. So today, I want to cut this down to size, so to speak. Let's begin by taking a look at why so many of you feel the shame over verdict size. For ease, let's just use the term dict instead of verdict, you know for short. Oh, sorry. I shouldn't be making short jokes in a podcast about dicks. Verdicts, that is.
All right. First, there's the fear of rejection. So many of you fear that you'll be rejected if other people find out the true size of your dict or dicts. Some of you have more than one. Second, you're afraid the size of your dict says something about you, that you don't know how to do it, you know trial. And third, you're afraid your dict doesn't measure up to other dicts. And we all know that CLEs are just a dict measuring contest. You worry if you pull out your dict and compare it to the other dicts, you'll just come up short. So let's put this to bed once and for all. No one cares about the size of your dict. Everyone else is so focused on their own dict, they don't have the bandwidth to care about yours. Not to mention that what you think is real, in terms of dicts, isn't. What you see on the internet or on your inbox, isn't the real thing. It's easy to think that everyone is carrying around a huge old dict, but in truth, people don't post about their small dicts, do they?
So all you ever hear about are the big hunk and nuclear ones, making it appear like that's the norm. It isn't. I mean, the very people you're hoping to get in bed with, you know the jurors, they won't even see your dict. They care more about your performance in the bedroom, sorry, courtroom, than the size of your dict but most importantly, your dict size says nada, zilch, zero about how good you are. Size isn't everything. In fact, it's got nothing to do with how effective you are, you know in trial. And would it be nice to have a big old dict? I mean, sure, but that doesn't mean you should go trying every dict enhancement service out there. Those things promise to increase your dict size when in reality, there's only one way to do that. You've got to love your jury. Love is where it's at, my big dict loving friends.
Love, not size is what really drives the jury wild. So here are some things you can do to better love your jury. First, you got to stop believing that the jury's going to hurt you. Look, I know you've been hurt before, but just because one jury hurt you doesn't mean that all juries are like that. You can't focus on pleasing your jury when the entire time you're worried they're going to hurt you. Second, you've got to see the jury for who they really are. These are the very people that if you love them, right, will solve all of your problems. Imagine that future my friends, instead of worrying about dict size. When you make the jury feel safe, they can relax and focus on the hand job, sorry, on the job at hand. The truth of the matter is, you're more than the size of your verdict.
You are amazing just as you are. H2H Fundamentals is officially open for enrollment, but only until October 5th with a bunch of bonuses, including working directly with me for four weeks. Yes, four weeks. In this masterclass, I'm going to teach you my proven H2H method for voir dire, opening and closing step by step. And guess what? Like the name says, it makes your job, the trial process, and your life fun. I swear it. Go to sariswears.com/fun, Sari, as in my name, S-A-R-I, swears.com/F-U-N to get all the deets and enroll before the bonuses expire. With this method, you'll never worry about winning again. See you in class.

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