H2H Fun-damentals™ is the only online trial skills training that will let you have more fun, feel less stress, and never worry about winning again - I swear.

Before I tell you all about this masterclass (which will change the way you try a case forever, by the way), let’s make sure I’m not wasting your time, shall we?
H2H Fun-damentals™ is designed for a very specific individual -
Are you a stressed-out plaintiff trial attorney who works too damn much?
Have you read all the books, attended the CLEs, studied the greats, and still walk into the courtroom full of doubt?
Do you think:
→ Did I prepare hard enough?
→ Is the jury going to kill my case?
→ What if I forget what I wanted to say?
→ What if …????… I lose?
Many plaintiff attorneys are still stressed as fuck going to trial even after practicing for thirty years or more. (I know this because thousands have told me.)
Somewhere along the way, being a lawyer stopped being fun. You might have even started to think that you’re the one on trial.
All you want is to get the verdict that will make all the hard work worth it. You need the win to make you feel like you’re good enough.
But you’ve got it backward -
If you want to win, you have to believe you’re already great.
Why? Because confidence sells. If you want to win your case, you’ve got to show up as your big, BADASS SELF.

Top 5 Ways Plaintiff Trial Attorneys Lose Cases
- Viewing the jury as your enemy. The jury is there to help you solve your problems, if you learn how to work with them (yes, really).
- Using gimmicks. Being manipulative feels shitty and turns the jury off. Your job is to motivate, not persuade.
- Spending time trying to figure out who to “kick off.” Voir dire is your only opportunity to build your team but you’re throwing away your chance for a win by focusing on killing jurors off.
- Creating an opening statement without juror input. Voir dire and opening are two sides of a dialogue; once you understand this, you’ll never write an opening the same way again.
- Using closing to “review” the evidence. Closing is your opportunity to empower your jurors to fight for you in the verdict room. If they don’t know what to do, they won’t do it.
Most of the books and programs out there are fear-based. (Yeah, I know this probably isn’t news to you.)
They teach you how to distrust the jury - which is the absolute worst thing you can do. #SariNotSorry
Nobody else talks about this, so it probably feels like a big ‘ol mindfuck…but if you want to win more cases, you can’t fear the jury.
Two months ago I conducted voir dire for the first time since learning Sari’s method.
I settled that case for $1.3 million right after finishing voir dire and the defense had previously offered $600,000.
Voir dire was the only one of my trial skills that I felt was inadequate and made me uncomfortable. I did the same thing most lawyers do - asking questions about things that had nothing to do with the case but were supposed to help me predict whether they would be a good juror.
After learning the H2H Method, my thoughts and direction when doing voir dire are so much more clear and focused. Issue-driven voir dire is the only method of voir dire that makes sense now. No more using the divining rod to find water.
I have been trying jury trials for 30 years. I’ve developed instincts, but those instincts don’t compare to watching a jury come together through the discussions they have with each other.
I had FUN in voir dire for the first time in more than 10,000 hours as lead counsel.
Everything really naturally fell into place the first time I saw the process of defining my fears, working the funnel, and finding the perfect jurors. This training is well worth the time and money. Now, I can’t imagine picking a jury any other way than Sari’s issue-driven voir dire.
Breen Arntz
Nevada Plaintiff Trial Attorney


A four-module masterclass that gives plaintiff trial attorneys a proven step-by-step method to win more cases. Period.
By the end of this MASTERCLASS you will have:
- Trial skills they don’t teach in law school. Or anywhere else, for that matter.
- The ability to understand and work with your jury, so they are motivated to solve all your problems for you.
- A transformative and proven method that will change the way you practice—no more searching for the "formula."
- So much confidence walking into the courtroom that you might not even recognize yourself.
- Fun at trial. I swear.

But above all else, with H2H Fun-damentals™ -
You’ll never worry about winning again.

Take the leap - JUMP - do it. You will not regret it.
As you can probably relate, I had a lack of confidence due to a defeatist mindset…feeling on edge, at risk, not good enough, striving and never reaching CONFIDENCE. With the H2H Method I gained a toolbox full of thoughts, actions, and calmness, as well as a community of like-minded attorneys across the US who I can reach out to for sound boarding.
My interactions with clients have improved due to better observation skills, and my postmortems of trial and hearings have taken on a much healthier perspective.
H2H altered my professional practice and has had a positive influence on my personal life as well. H2H is an investment in your career. Regardless of the number of years you have been in practice, H2H will be transformative.
Arizona Plaintiff Trial Attorney
H2H FUN-DAMENTALS™ is OPEN for enrollment!


Give it a try. You won't regret it.
Connecting with jurors and confidently presenting my case at trial has always been my biggest challenge.
With the H2H Method, I learned rules and systems to use in voir dire, opening statement, and other parts of trial to command the courtroom.
The result? I won a $1.4 million verdict after a liability trial.
Arkady Frekhtman
New York Plaintiff Trial Attorney


With this masterclass, you’ll receive LIFETIME access to 4 jam-packed modules that will utterly change the way you try a case.

Module 1 Learn to Love Your Jury
The jury is not your enemy. But if you continue to believe they are, you’ll never get the win you’ve been chasing.
Before you understand how to let the jury solve your problems, in this module you’ll learn:
- Why jurors are not your enemy
- How jury selection attacks a juror’s brain
- How winning is so much easier when you change your mind about jurors
- Why the things you’ve tried so far haven’t worked
- How jury selection attacks YOUR brain
- Why you must love and trust the jury in order to win
I’ll also give you an overview of the H2H Method™, and how to use the Trial Dialogue* to your advantage.
This new mindset is going to change EVERYTHING, I swear.
*What is the Trial Dialogue, you ask? It’s the revolutionary way I’ve developed my voir dire and opening to work together. ????
No one teaches voir dire like I do. Other programs stoke your fear of the jury. But like I said, the jury is not your enemy! The jurors will solve your problems if you know how to work with them.
In this module, you’ll learn how to find the exact people you need to help you win, all without gimmicks or manipulation. (Don’t worry - you’ll also learn how to get rid of your bad jurors.)
No more fucking guesswork or half-baked questions written the night before trial. Once you learn my very simple method, you’ll have the jurors rallying around the principles in your case, ready and eager to bring a verdict in your favor. This method WORKS. Plus… it’s fun!
Learn how to...
- Develop an ideal juror profile that clearly outlines who you’re looking for
- Find the principles in your case that will get jurors rallying for your cause
- Use the case-winning “funnels” method to let the jury solve your problems
- Sequence your voir dire for maximum impact
- Let go of talking about preponderance in voir dire (but how to do it if you insist)
- Start voir dire so jurors will talk to you
- Facilitate a group conversation and begin building the group
This is exactly how to get jurors motivated to bring you your verdict. I swear.

My method will get jurors firmly committed to your side by the end of opening statement. Complex opening statements lose cases. This method is so damn simple.
In fact, you’ll get all of your key information in front of the jury in UNDER 30 minutes.
In this module, I’ll walk you through my 9-part opening template so you can stop stressing the fuck out and handle opening like a boss.
Learn how to...
- Use what you got in voir dire to motivate jurors in opening
- Hook the jury right off the bat so they remain engaged during your opening statement
- Teach the jury what “should” have happened in juror-friendly language
- Show the jury what did happen through kickass storytelling
- Neutralize defense points, rendering them ineffective
- Talk about your plaintiff without making them sound like a victim
No more sweating bullets, wondering if you’ve “remembered” everything. You’re going to love how easy it is to put your opening together, I swear.
Module 4 CRUSH it in CLOSING
Deliver a closing that empowers your jury to fight for you in the verdict room instead of boringly rehashing the evidence until the jury wants to fork their eyeballs out.
There are three things you are doing throughout trial - here, in closing, you bring them all together.
In this module, you’ll learn how to compel the jury to act by showing them the impact of their choices.
Learn how to…
- Incorporate the 3 components every closing MUST have
- Empower jurors to fight for you
- Help jurors see into the future
- Choose and own your “number”
- Talk about money with confidence
- Use emotion to spur jurors to action
- Feel confident placing the case in your jurors’ hands
- Seal the deal by showing up as a leader
Never second guess your closing again. This is the ultimate love letter to your jury. It will become your favorite part of trial, I swear.


- LIFETIME access to 4 complete training modules that will teach you the transformative H2H Method™ for voir dire, opening, and closing
- 40 video lessons recorded by the nation’s leading trial consultant Sari de la Motte
- A comprehensive workbook that takes you through the entire program step-by-step
- 5-Step Issue-Oriented Voir Dire Guide for easy reference
- 9-part Opening Template for easy reference
- 6 example voir dires, openings, and closing statements using the H2H Method™.
Total Bonus Value: $3,900
join today foR:

H2H is clarity.
The H2H Method helps reinforce on a daily basis what values and skills truly matter, so we don't have to sweat about the meaningless stuff, feel worn down, or question whether we should continue to be lawyers.
My quality of life is WAY better. Interestingly, I think a recent case settled two weeks before trial because the defendants could SMELL how excited we were to go to trial. That is definitely worth something.
Seriously, I feel like I owe Team Sari my firstborn for giving me hope that we can be part of meaningful change (except that I love my firstborn very much and am quite attached). ????
New Mexico Plaintiff Trial Attorney


How is the masterclass delivered?
This is a self-study class that you can complete at your own pace.
You’ll get access to all the modules immediately in our curriculum portal.
I’ve read Sari’s book, is there going to be anything new in here that I
don’t already know?
Fuck yes! This course was developed to pick up where the book leaves off, in a much more in-depth way - covering all of voir dire, opening, and closing with brand new, never-before-seen content.
How long will it take to complete the masterclass?
That depends on how much time you have to dedicate to the modules.
On average, you should be able to get through the material in-depth over the course of the 4 weeks it is dripped out.
If you plan to consume it later as a binge-watcher and have nothing else to do (yeah, right) - you can consume the content in a day or two, then go back to areas you want to concentrate on.
How long do I have access to the information?
You’ll be able to access all of the training modules and materials FOREVER.
What happens when I complete the masterclass?
Besides winning more cases? You’ll be invited to join the Crew in our H2H Playground™ where you’ll have a chance to practice and gain mastery of your new skills with me and my brilliant team of H2H Faculty!
Do you offer refunds?
If you complete the H2H Fun-damentals™ masterclass and can prove to me that you’ve done all the work but you don’t feel that you got value out of your investment - within 30 days, I’ll give you your money back before I die of shock.
Ready to enroll?

YOU (yes you!) are fucking amazing.
I want you to stop spending so many hours of your precious life stressing out over trial.
I’ve worked with thousands of plaintiff trial attorneys over the years and I see the same thing over and over again: you care deeply about your work, but at a huge price. You sacrifice your health, time with your family, and your overall mental well-being.
All because you’re obsessed with winning so that you can prove you’re good enough.
Fuck that shit.
First of all, you’re already MORE than good enough. Secondly, with my H2H Method™, you’ll never worry about winning again.
It was the success of my communication framework that prompted me to write my book, From Hostage to Hero: Captivate the Jury by Setting Them Free, deliver a top-rated podcast, and create a membership for trial attorneys that has affectionately been dubbed the H2H Crew.
Now, I’m so proud to invite you to enter my world with H2H Fun-damentals™. When you enroll, you’ll have access to my entire step-by-step method with easy-to-follow instruction.
H2H requires no guesswork, wins cases, and will change everything for you. I swear.
Sari de la Motte
H2H FUN-DAMENTALS™ is OPEN for enrollmenT!
