About Us

Our badass team of trial attorney coaches.
From the classroom to the courtroom.
How an aspiring music teacher became one of America’s most sought-after trial consultants.
Growing up in a home that wasn’t super peaceful, classical music became my escape.
I don’t remember a time when I didn’t love music.
My parents were born in Finland and say that from an early age I was filled with tenacity… or what Finns call, “sisu.”
And even though the local piano teacher didn’t take students before they could read, I wouldn’t take no for an answer and began piano lessons at the age of 4.
But as much as I loved music, I didn’t dream of being a performer. Nope. I was fascinated by how all of the instruments worked together to produce such beautiful sounds. I wanted to learn how to do that!
Young Sari wanted to be a conductor.


I went on to pursue the credentials I’d need to teach music at a university level. My mentor suggested I take a week-long course on nonverbal communication because it would make me a better teacher.
I took her advice even though I thought it would be some bullshit class about body language and a waste of $500 I didn’t have to spend at the time.
Boy, was I wrong.
After that week, all my plans went right out the window. I wanted to do more of whatever the fuck kind of voodoo it was that I’d just spent a week learning about.
I followed the same instructor from event to event—until I felt ready to open my own business as a communication consultant. After working the corporate circuit with Fortune 500 companies and brands like Nike, other industries started noticing me.
It was at a speaking event for the Inner Circle of Advocates when I met Rick Friedman. He hired me to travel to Las Vegas to help him with a trial. The rest is history.

High-stakes communication became my true love.

The more I worked with plaintiff attorneys, the more deeply I began to understand their unique challenges.
And I discovered that no matter how many hours they worked, no matter how well-read they were, and no matter how magical they were as lawyers (you are all absolutely magical, by the way) they would clam up when they got in front of a jury.
The problem became clear to me. Attorneys are scared shitless.

They were so afraid of losing that they saw the jury as the enemy.

I witnessed these lawyers resort to gimmicks, manipulative tactics, reading every new book on the market and attending every CLE in a frantic search for the holy grail that would get them the jury they needed to win.
But it was a losing proposition. As backward as it sounds, until and unless attorneys released their need to win - and more importantly changed their minds about jurors - that win they so desperately wanted would continue to elude them.
I began focusing my attention on this problem.
How could I free attorneys from their need to win and help them see the jury differently?

My devotion to setting attorneys free culminated in my book From Hostage to Hero: Captivate the Jury by Setting Them Free. I was a tad nervous. What could this classically trained pianist and non-lawyer possibly have to offer to the trial world at large? I knew my stuff was great, but what if others didn’t?
Well, my fears (like most of yours!) didn’t come true.
My book was a hit, and is the first Trial Guides book ever to receive over 100 reviews!
(Over 100 5-star reviews. Ahem.)
You can buy it and review it here.

Since then, I’ve been featured in tons of media outlets.
Started a super popular podcast.
Launched an online community.
And my plaintiff trial attorney clients have gone on to win 8 and even 9-figure trial verdicts on a regular basis.
All while having fun doing it.
I continue to hear how life-changing this work is, and how my clients have been able to reclaim their lives while also kicking ass in court.

As for me, I live a pretty great life with my husband, our daughter, and a French bulldog named Coco Chanel. (She’s bougie AF.)
I’ve kicked that sonofabitch cancer in the face. Twice.
When I’m not working, I drive to the Oregon coast to recharge, or fly to Finland and hunker down in the family cabin for a month or so.
As I reflect on everything I’ve done so far, I realize that I became a conductor after all.
My orchestra just happens to be attorneys and juries. And I wouldn’t change a thing.
Through my first fifty years on this amazing planet, I’ve learned a few things to be true…
You are worthy because you were born, love is a more powerful fuel than fear, and coaching will change the world.
I’m so glad you’re here. Together we can fundamentally change the way law is practiced, I swear.
I can’t fucking wait to learn more about you, my friend.

Lead H2H Mindset Coach
Vinyl, movies, sushi
Being on the beach
Favorite Swear

H2H Coach & Consultant
My people – family and friends. Also, I love learning and teaching!
Floating down the Truckee River in an innertube on a sunny day.
Favorite Swear
Is Fuckity-Fuck-Fuck-Fucker one word if I hyphenate it?

H2H Coach & Consultant
My wife, my dogs, my kids - in that order…J/K. Mindset, manifestations (basically all the woo woo shit).
Anything sports related.
Favorite Swear

H2H Mindset Coach
My partner Matt, Supernatural, and swimming
Decorating sugar cookies
Favorite Swear
Son of a Bitch
To change the way law is practiced by helping people replace fear with fun.
Helping trial attorneys stop measuring their worth by the size of their verdicts through skills training, mindset coaching, and community building.

Our Values

We believe that loving ourselves is the key to having a better life. You’re not broken and there is nothing wrong with you. Period.
We value being free to be who we are meant to be - by releasing the bullshit beliefs our brains throw at us.
We don’t take anything too seriously around here. We value play and want you to have fun at trial. (Yes, really!)
We listen to our own intuition above all else - and trust ourselves, others, and the process.
SO…YOU Ready to HAVE FUN with us?
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